Alize Lam Yeuk Hei / CreateSmart Young Design Talent Award 2022
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“I get my inspiration from everyday objects. Sometimes I dismantle products just to learn about the mechanism, and this sparks my creativity. I ask: ‘What would happen if the world lost electricity tomorrow?’”
After earning her Bachelor’s Degree (Honours) in Fashion Design at Nottingham Trent University (VTC SHAPE) in 2009, Alize spent ten years in the fashion industry, first as a designer, and later in marketing. Frustrated by overproduction and overconsumption, she knew it was time to make a change – starting with herself - and teamed up with St. James’ Settlement in 2016 to start DIY musical instrument workshops.
In 2020, Alize founded her own upcycling studio, In Wonderland Co. designing self-assembly kits, as she feels the handicraft experience creates a bond between the consumer and the product, showing how sustainability can be integrated into daily life. ‘Winebox Accordion’, made with paper and recycled winebox wood, applies basic origami techniques to produce an accordion, and ‘Screaming Chicken’ uses similar techniques to make a funny toy to replace the non-biodegradable plastic one.
‘Mood Piano’ is developed for the IFVA Everywhere Carnival 2020, which is a gigantic hand-cranked wooden music box with a roller made of discarded bicycle wheels and a recycled piano that play two melodies. The installation is reminiscent of the silent film era, when live music was played as the soundtrack.
Alize wants to learn more about the mechanics behind kinetic toys and musical instruments, which will be invaluable for her product designs.